Motorola Droid X Promo Video

Thanks to Droid-Life for grabbing this video from the big Droid X announcement today, we can all see some of the features and more views of the device. Although the whole promo did not get captured this is enough to get our minds wandering a little more. Check out the video below.

That is one, sweet device huh? In case you missed the breaking news before, this device will launch July 15th at a price of $199 after a $100 rebate, a $29 unlimited data package, and a $20 fee for wireless hotspot functionality.
Official Specs of the Droid X include:

  • 8 Megapixel camera
  • HDMI out
  • 4.3″ screen
  • WiFi Hotspot for up to 5 people
  • 1 Ghz CPU
  • 8 GB internal
  • 16 GB card included in the box (expandable with a 32 GB card)
  • Display: 4.3″ edge-to-edge, 848—480, 400,000+ pixels in all
  • Keyboard: Multitouch, pre-loaded with SWYPE
  • Will ship with Android 2.1
  • Motoblur

Good news to current Verizon customers! If your contract is set to end at any point in 2010 you are eligible for an upgrade!