T-Mobile Android Support Friendly,Rogers not so much

Out of all the carriers within North America, T-Mobile seems to be the only one who seems to be proactive when it comes to understanding the needs of their Android customers. T-Mobile from what is suggested by the post over at Phandroid.com has taken the ownership of “not leaving any phones behind” in the software update they deserve and are capable of running. What this means it that T-Mobile (unlike other carriers, namely Rogers, Bell and Telus) understands the need for devices to have and up to date operating system stack so that users are able to do what they want to do with their devices.

Over the last year us Canadians have had to deal with carriers like Rogers in trying to have them understand the importance and urgency of getting upgrades released for their Android based devices. Without the efforts of the community backlash, nothing positive would’ve been achieved. The buck does not stop there, now that TMobile has indicated that the MyTouch (Magic in Canada from Rogers) will be getting an Android 2.2 upgrade, the question is raised yet again as to what Rogers is planning on doing for their Magic customers. Point to note is that the MyTouch and Magic are identical devices making them almost twins separated at birth. Rogers has yet to release Android 2.1 update for their Magic devices which were released to the Canadian consumers on June 2nd, 2009. These devices are still running Android 1.5 and the initial communication from Rogers (and HTC) was that the devices were not capable of running Android 2.1. After much backlash and push from the community Rogers and HTC were forced to go back to the table and provide an Android 2.1 update. The same upgrade which TMobile also provided for their MyTouch customers.

Sometime mid June or July Rogers is expected to release Android 2.1 for the Magic. The question will most definitely arise again to see if Rogers is going to work towards an upgrade to 2.2 for the Magic or will they Leave The Magic Droid Behind?