Advanced Launcher is an application for those of us looking for an app that alleviates a bit of homescreen clutter, groups the favorite things on our phone, and keeps us from having to dig through the app drawer. What, you thought you were alone in your distaste of a block grid of icons, laid out in an order that just doesn’t work for you? Well read on my friend.
Advanced Launcher is simple. The same way that the power control widget gives you quick access to oft needed settings, Advanced Launcher is a homescreen widget that can hold your favorites in four categories — applications, contacts, bookmarks and documents. It sits quietly, looks pretty, and just waits for a tap that opens a dialog with what you’ve decided needs to be there.
Adding any of your favorites to the app is simple, you simply choose the category, press a button, and make a choice. Then next time you hit the widget’s button, it pops right up. Beats the daylights out of digging through that other mess, or having to manage four screens of shortcuts. The increase in productivity is well worth the few bucks ($2.99) for the full version in my opinion, but there’s also a lite version that lets you try out the applications category for free. Links to both versions, and a handful of screenshots of the application at work are after the break. [Android Central forums]
Advanced Launcher is one of those apps that just isn’t in the Market. This particular developer is hosting it on his own website, so you’ll have to sideload it. But that’s OK, even if you’re using a phone on a carrier who doesn’t like that sort of thing, with Android there’s always a way. Hit the forums and have a look.