Motorola Devour is the latest device to fall victim to rooting. I am sure that if you are a Devour owner this really excites you. Rooting your device means that you are given full access and can change/ remove /add things that a non-rooted device can do. In the market you will find many apps and themes that can only be added if you have root access. With that being said, you have to be careful when doing this process not to brick your phone. Do this process at your own risk.
*Tip* -> (Run means type the command in quotes [but not the quotes] then press the Enter key)
“This whole set of instructions was lifted directly from the instructions
on how to root the Droid X with a few edits here and there.”
Step 1.)
- Download the attached archive and expand it to a folder you can find (eg. c:\devour_root)
Step 2.)
- Set up ADB (You’ll need to google this part)
Step 3.)
- On the phone: Home, Menu Button, Settings, Applications, Development: Make sure the “USB debugging” option is enabled/checked.
Step 4.)
- Status bar, USB connection: Make sure “PC Mode” is selected.
Step 5.)
- Open a command prompt (Windows: Start, Run, “cmd”, OK; Linux: Terminal)
Step 6.)
- Run “adb devices”. If you don’t see your device listed under “List of devices attached”, return to step 2 and follow the link to setup ADB (use that topic for support) and return here when “adb devices” lists your X.
Step 7.)
- Run “CD c:\devour_root” (or where ever you expanded the archive)
Step 8.)
- Run “adb push Superuser.apk /sdcard/Superuser.apk”
Step 9.)
- Run “adb push su /sdcard/su”
Step 10.)
- Run “adb push busybox /sdcard/busybox”
Step 11.)
- Run “adb push exploid /sqlite_stmt_journals/exploid”
Step 12.)
- Run “adb shell”
Step 13.)
- Run “cd sqlite_stmt_journals”
Step 14.)
- Run “chmod 755 exploid”
Step 15.)
- On your phone, navigate to a screen where you can switch wifi/bluetooth on/off easily (settings, or a home screen with a widget)
Step 16.)
- IMMEDIATELY after executing the next step, toggle wifi or bluetooth off and back on
Step 17.)
- Run “./exploid” and follow directions on screen. Once this completes you’ll be back at a shell prompt.
Step 18.)
- Run “rootshell”. You’ll be prompted for a password.
Step 19.)
- Type in password “secretlol” and press Enter then you are root! (You’ll know because your prompt will now be a “#” instead of “$”)
Step 20.)
- Run “mount -o rw,remount -t yaffs2 /dev/block/mtdblock3 /system”
Step 21.)
- Run “busybox cp /sdcard/Superuser.apk /system/app/Superuser.apk”
Step 22.)
- Run “busybox cp /sdcard/su /system/bin/su”
Step 23.)
- Run “busybox cp /sdcard/busybox /system/bin/busybox”
Step 24.)
- Run “chmod 4755 /system/bin/su”
Step 25.)
- Run “chmod 4755 /system/bin/busybox”
Step 26.)
- Run “rm /system/bin/rootshell”
Step 27.)
- Run “exit” to drop from root to a non-root user shell (on phone still)
Step 28.)
- Run “exit” to drop back to your machine command prompt (instead of phone)
Confirm root is established by:
- Run “adb shell”
- Run “su” (now you should see the # sign which indicates you are root)
- Watch your screen so you can allow Superuser root access.
“You’re done! feel free to kill the bloat apps and such. (I haven’t tested killing anything yet.)”
NOTE: It might be a smart idea to do “rm /system/bin/rootshell” after you have su and superuser in place as ANY program will have access to your root if you leave it (cause everyone will know the password)
NOTE: If the ‘busybox cp’ commands do not work try
“dd if=/sdcard/Superuser.apk of=/system/app/Superuser.apk”
“dd if=/sdcard/su of=/system/bin/su”
“dd if=/sdcard/busybox of=/system/bin/busybox”
The edits:
-added busybox in front of the cp commands
-mounted the system read write