Mobile Search Grew, Daily Activations, Android Apps Up, Up, And UP!

Google announced its second quarter 2010 earnings on Thursday, and the earnings conference call painted a rosy picture of the current state of Android. According to Google CFO Patrick Pichette, and Senior VP of Product management Jonathan Rosenberg, Android is currently not a huge resource investment for Google but promises a “formidable return” as the “entire ecosystem is exploding.” According to Rosenberg, the web browser is the most popular app on an Android device with search being its  primary usage. As a result, mobile search on Android grew 300% in the first half of 2010. Rosenberg did not cite specific figures but estimated that mobile search is growing alongside desktop search and not taking away from it. Prichette confirmed that Google’s acquisition of AdMob is translating into buku bucks as Android gains momentum; he also points out that Google is recording 160,000 Android device activations daily. The Android Market is also growing and now boasts of over 70,000 applications, up from the 30,000 it reported in April. Impressive numbers for the two and half year old mobile OS.