In an unprecedented move for carriers with Android phones, Verizon appears poised to update their entire lineup of high-end Droid phones to Android 2.2 within the next couple of weeks. History tells us that the carriers, handset makers, and Google have been somewhat uncoordinated with previous firmware upgrades, but Verizon has the chance to change that perception by releasing the latest version of Android on four handsets at the same time.
Verizon is currently testing Android 2.2 for the Motorola Droid, HTC Droid Incredible, Motorola Droid X, and the unreleased Motorola Droid 2. The original Droid is the only phone with a stock version of Android, while the Incredible runs HTC’s Sense UI and the Droid X and Droid 2 run the blur-less Motoblur.
We initially believed that Verizon was holding off on updating their released phones so the Droid 2 could have the honor of being the first device to launch with Android 2.2, but new reports offer conflicting information.
I’ve seen a half-dozen dates thrown around on various sites, but I believe the trigger will occur around the time of an upcoming press conference for Adobe. As many of you know, the upcoming Flash 10.1 requires Android 2.2, so it makes sense for Adobe and Google to tie the events together. Flash 10.1 is currently in Beta 3, but Adobe has an Android related event planned for August 16th and we believe the final version will be released that day.
If the final version of Flash 10.1 drops on August 16th, that would lead me to believe the post on AndroidSPIN where a Verizon employee has said Verizon will begin the Android 2.2 updates on August 6th and complete them by August 15th. This makes sense because it would allow Adobe to tout the immediate availability of Flash 10.1 across the entire high-end lineup on Verizon.
Most of you are probably skeptical of this news, given the previous issues with Android software updates (like the Droid 2.1 OTA). However, I believe all the parties involved have learned from their mistakes (like continually promising a release date and missing it) and have the ability to pull this off.
How would you rate Verizon’s chances of success for a simultaneous release of Android 2.2? Can Verizon raise the bar and set an example for the other carriers?