CNET Australia surveyed 1000 smartphone users to find out what’s changing. Some highlights:
- People spend more minutes a day surfing the net than they do using the phone to make actual phone calls. Instant Messaging use takes up almost as many minutes as the calls.
- 75 percent of responders websurf more than 30 minutes a day, with an additional 13 percent surfing 60 to 90 minutes. Another 75 percent (think it’s the same 75 percent?) make calls for less than 30 minutes a day.
- 24 percent of the smartphone owners don’t use them to listen to music and 35 percent don’t play games on their phones.
- Text (or SMS) messages are by far the most common posting from the smartphone. Email was far behind, and Facebook update was almost the same as Email. Twitter update was least frequent. But tjese numbers are affected by number of people as well as number of social updates. 84 percent of users post one or no Twitter updates a day. 55 percent say the same (one or none) for Facebook updates.
- iPhone and Samsung users are the most likely to be found web-browsing, both averaging over 50 minutes a day. Daily surfing is under 45 minutes for Nokia, HTC (38) and Blackberry (36) users.
- Tallying email by manufacturer reversed many of the results. Blackberry users sent the most (14 a day), with second-place iPhone only racking up 7 messages. Rounding out the phones were HTC, Samsung, and Nokia in last place with under 5 daily messages.
Unfortunately, Android OS phones were not broken out in this survey, as only manufacturer was specified. Only Samsung and HTC would have any Android products among the five listed. But CNET did note that fully half the Samsung smartphone users had the very new Android-powered Galaxy S. No percentage of HTC Desire users given, though, and Motorola’s Milestone and Blackflip weren’t even present.
CNET was unsurprised that Blackberry users were heavy on the e-mail, and that iPhone and Samsung (think Android!) owners spent so much time on the web. Then again, CNET Australia had a columnist compare which smartphone you use to what kind of car you drive.
Full survey results and graphs: CNET Australia