Droid X Could See Its First ROM Soon

We were all super exited when the Droid X became rooted a few days after its release, but the problem is it has a locked bootloader. That means no custom ROM’s can be installed on Motorola’s Droid X. Hold on a minute…

The Droid X has freshly received a big dose of awesome-ness thanks to the Android hacker Birdman – he succesfully pushed a custom recovery image onto the handset. Birdman is one brave soul to push a recovery image onto a locked bootloader, because with his efforts, the Droid X is about to see a world full of nandroid backups and custom ROM’s. Now if your new to rooting or scared of bricking your X, this procedure is not for you. Our guess is eventually the custom recovery image will find an easier way to weasel its way into Motorolas handset, but for now its a bit hard to get it in there (thats what she said). Its only a matter of time before the Droid X ROM’s start cooking up and are available on apps such as ROM Manager or posted on XDA Forums for you to try out.

And many said it couldent be done. Big ups to Birdman for pushing the limits of Motorolas locked bootloader. Stay tuned to androidheadlines.com for up to the minute coverage on Droid X ROM news!