Motorola Charm, Your Price Tag May Not Be Charming

So odd thing going around, there is a screen shot that shows the Motorola Charm coming in at a price tag of 25o American Dollars, so we are forced to ask… WHAT!? You can buy a Moto Droid X with contract for about that, so the Charm or Droid X? I’ve made my decision.

But there are always fine lines, like what if thats the no contract price? If thats the case then sign me up, a lot of phones these days run off contract for 500-700 american, so 250 is a welcome price, especially if this can be flashed to AT&T.

I guess this one won’t be solved until we get closer to the date, but all I know that off contract, I will pay 250, on contract, I would pay about 100 for this phone.