An inside sourced tipster released this quadrant benchmark test done with the Droid 2 and it shows an impressive score of 1299. If your not farmiliar with quadrant, it is a CPU I/O and 3D Graphics benchmark. A score of 1299 is quite impressive for the Motorola Droid 2, and is a great improvement from the Motorola Droid.
Some of the hardware that has changed from the original Droid are the rock solid slider that has no wobbles or hard time sliding, improved spacing with Convex keys, and overall improved performance. With some leaked photos we’ve poster earlier, you can tell there is no more D-Pad, Motorola has swapped it out for directional arrows.
Here is some information regarding the hardware and pre-installed hardware:
- 512MB RAM (approx. 200MB available on boot)
- OMAP 1GHz processor that scales between 300MHz and 1GHz
- microSD card slot under the battery (not hot-swappable)
- 5MP camera that is similar to the original DROID
- 8GB internal storage
- six sensors including a 3-axis accelerator, 3-axis magentic, temperature, proximity, orientation and light
- 1300 mAh battery (same as the DROID and CLIQ) that provides a full day usage
- extra strong vibrate
- two-tone coloring with a smokey chrome on the front and darker coloring on the back
- physically, the handset resembles its predecessor and is identical to the dummy phone images that have already hit the Internet
- Swype pre-installed
- Froyo – Android 2.2 with a modified Motorola MotoBLUR interface similar to the one that debuted on the X
This phone may be a worthy competetor against the Droid X for folks who would like a fast processor and a QWERTY keyboard and smalled form factor.
How does your phone measure up to the Droid 2’s benchmark? Download Quadrant here and let us know your score below!