Froyo rumors come in all flavors, and which smartphone will be the next in line for a tasty frozen snack is one of the perenniels. The HTC DROID Incredible has been waiting its turn, and has already had one rumored day come and go. That was August 18th, but all that happened was Verizon confirmed no upgrade that day. Now that the back-orders at Verizon are finally catching up (helped along by the now-even-harder-to-get Motorola DROID X and HTC’s difficulty securing AMOLED screens), what better than an operating system upgrade? This one says the Incredible will receive an Over The Air (OTA) upgrade to Android 2.2 starting on September 1st.
So, maybe not that long to wait for a faster and better operating system. Now I’m talking to those of you who haven’t already patched in Froyo on your rooted Incredible already. If you want to wait for Verizon to do the job for you, keep your eyes on your phone status starting next Wednesday.
Sources: IntoMobile, DroidLife