Use The Droid 2 Boot Animation! (Download Here)

Lets face it, the Droid 2 is all around awesome, and if you want a piece of it, you’ve come to the right place. We have the Droid 2 boot animation for you! If your not rooted, your going to need Android SDK for this. Since many users are not rooted we will start with the non-root steps.

  1. Download the bootanimation.zip
  2. Put the bootanimation.zip into your android sdk/tools folder
  3. Press SHIFT+right click inside the folder (make sure nothing is selected)
  4. Choose “Open command window here”
  5. Type the following: adb push bootanimation.zip /data/local followed with adb reboot

Your phone should reboot after step 4 and boot up with a sweet Droid 2 boot animation!

Root Users: Here we go

  1. Download the bootanimation.zip
  2. Place the .zip into /data/local
  3. Reboot!

Here is a video from Scott Young over at TalkAndroid displaying the boot animation on his Nexus One. Enjoy!