Desire HD ported to Desire, Droid and Evo!

We all remember a few days ago the excitement as the HTC Desire HD was leaked.. now to even greater news for Desire, Droid Incredible and Evo Owners.

The new HTC Sense and its speedy wake up have been ported to 3 devices, as some modifications still need a little tweaking the ports are a must on look for its near future completion. The rom has been ported to HTC HD2, we may soon see it running on other HTC phones and more smiles on HTC customers.

These ports are still in beta testing so we will see some non working features like the camera, wifi and 4G for the Evo. As it’s been only about 24hrs since the ports, the accomplishments have been amazing and we shall see full working HTC Desire HD roms ported with no issues real soon. Head to the links below to view projects updates at work.

Here are some screen shots of HTC Sense in Desire HD

And a Video to show it’s fast wake up time, simply amazing..