Rogers Wireless announced the Samsung Galaxy S Captivate more than a month ago. Thus far there hasn’t been a follow-up with an availability date, but clearly the Canadian carrier has been getting ready for this major launch. Training slides were leaked on The Cellular Guru, and if employees are being trained, the smartphones must be on the way.
This is going to be Rogers’ best Android smartphone offering, so there’s plenty of info in these slides. Right now Rogers’ Android line-up has the Sony-Ericsson Xperia X10 and X10 Mini, the Moto Quench, the Acer Liquid E, the HTC Magic +, the LG Wave, the LG Eve, and the Motorola Flipout. It’s difficult to tell how many Android offerings Rogers has, because their website does not enable a search by phone OS, and they don’t call Android out as a feature. Instead, the Android phones are listed as having “built-in Google apps.”
Here the Andoid OS is compared to Apple iOS devices and Blackberry OS 5 and OS6. The Capitivate will release on Rogers with Android OS 2.1 (Eclair). You can click these photos to see a larger version.
And then there’s the device itself. Plenty of things to love about the Captivate, as with most Galaxy S phones. With HD video, Swype input, that beautiful 4 inch Super AMOLED screen, and a 1 GHz processor, there’s plenty to look forward to.
Source: Cellular Guru