Motorola has once again changed their software upgrade chart to display the latest timeline for their Android devices to receive their software OS updates. Interestingly enough the Motorola Backflip and Dext has been evaluated as unfit for an upgrade after an earlier version of this chart that said its Android 2.1 update was “under evaluation.” Devices that were listed as not receiving an update now get the text “Will remain on Android 1.x for the best combined hardware and software experience.” On the bright side of things the chart has been updated to show the completion of the Motorola Droid Android 2.2 roll out, while the Droid X remains listed for a late summer push. We are about as late into the summer as we can get, and with the wording of this particular entry not changing it’s a good sign. The Motorola Backflip has gone from an Android 2.1 update in Q3 to joining the Cliq and Cliq XT as “testing in process, planned for late Q3/early Q4.” Strangely enough that the foreign counterpart – the Quench – just simply won’t receive the update.
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