Bell Could be Ahead of Rogers in LTE Testing

Earlier this week, Rogers announced they are conducting a LTE trial with Ericsson in their Ottawa Research & Design facility. LTE speeds are expected to reach 150Mbps. We originally believed that Rogers was the first in carrier in Canada to run this type of trial with a LTE network. Now we are learning that this may not be the case.

A representative from Bell Media Relations stated that Bell has been testing LTE since the Summer. The rep went on to state they have successfully placed data calls in their two test locations (Hamilton and Montreal). As is the case with Rogers, Bell is also testing with Ericsson and will be “starting additional tests with Nokia Siemens Networks as well.” There is no set launch date for Bell’s LTE network in Canada but they believe that “LTE won’t be happening by any carrier at least 2012.”

Looks like the Canadian LTE race has begun. Who do you think will launch first?