Could There Possibly be a Nexus Two? Made by Samsung?

As you may of heard by now, Google is discontinuing support for the Nexus One in general with the closing of the official Nexus One forums.

There are now rumors that there is going to be a Nexus Two, made by Samsung, according to a report from City A.M.,  a British business newspaper.  This was already covered in another article here on AndroidHeadlines.

As you may of already heard there is going to be a Samsung Google-experience phone. We know that on November 8th Samsung is going to announce a new Android handset. There has been speculation that they are just going to announce the Samsung Continuum, but why would they hold a big NYC event just to announce a phone like this. Remember it was at another NYC event that they announced the US variants of the Galaxy S.

Even though no one knows exactly what Samsung is going to announce on November 8th, it could very well be the rumored Google-experience phone running the newest Android OS update (think Gingerbread).

Androidandme says that they have confirmed through multiple sources that Samsung is working on a Gingerbread Google-experience phone.

What are your thoughts on this rumor about there possibly being a Nexus Two, but made by Samsung?