Galaxy Tab Shows Off at The Samsung Experience Oct 11th

October 11th is turning out to be a full featured day in New York. It is the confirmed Windows Phone 7 will be unveiling products as well as the Samsung Galaxy Tab appearing at the Samsung Experience.

According to information coming in the Samsung Experience, which is located at the Time Warner Center, is like a demo store with out sales people. You can’t actually purchase anything there. Which sounds a little crazy to me, but also a very intriguing concept. The list of products is HUGE. Pretty much everything Samsung has its hands in is there. All four Galaxy S devices, Netbooks, Notebooks, TV’s and appliances. The current list of products already has the Galaxy TAB listed, so it may already be on display. In a nutshell a large Samsung Market. If you are in NY or plan to be in the area soon, head on down to the Samsung Experience and let us know what you think of the upcoming Galaxy TAB.