One of the biggest problems facing G2 owners (and other NAND locked devices) is Bloat Ware, it makes you cringe even saying it. The awesome guys over at XDA are no doubt working on an easy permanent root solution. Until then however, what options do you have to get rid of or even disable the crap that comes preloaded on your G2?
Thanks to Paul Obrien with his post over in the XDA Forums, we now have a guide easy enough for anyone to follow on removing Bloat Ware from your G2.
” Normally, you would remove stock apps by deleting the APKs from /system/app, however on the G2 this is not possible due to it’s NAND protection. On reboot the apps will just re-appear, so that’s no good. You could delete them on every boot via a script, but that’s a bit kludgey… there has to be a better way right? RIGHT!
Internally, Android manages installed apps via something called ‘Package Manager’. Package Manager (PM) references installed apps not by their filename or displayed name but by their internal package name (e.g. Handily, from a command line you can actually call Package Manager with the command ‘pm’, which gives you access to do some pretty cool stuff – especially if you have root – including disabling packages. “
Don’t take my word for it, head on over to the guide and get that useless crap off your G2 like I did. Your inner Android will thank you.
Heres the Guide: Paul Obrien @ XDA