Magic Jack Equals Magic Android…

So you have Magic Jack? Awesome and if not this may entice you to get it. The Genius’s at XDA have a nifty lil App called csipsimple and along with Magic Jack BOOM you can use your phone with it.  Pretty great and with only $20 bucks a year, this is bound to save you money.

I suggest if you have it to give it a try or wait for the WiFi App which is yet to be seen working, either way this is a win and will surely get even more people involved.

So Fist Pumps to XDA as always, Android Family they are always needed and deserve some praise.

Enjoy: Follow the Rabbit Down the Hole

Thanks to XDA member yozpalang for pointing out this little trick for those with MagicJack accounts. If you have one, you can now make calls from your phone using it. As quoted from the post made by the member:

Get the CSipSimple here or search the market and follow the steps here to get your magicjack’s password then make free calls all day long.

remember your majicjack user name is E yourmagicjackphonenumber 01
and your sever info is proxy1.yourcityname.talk4free.com
and your password looks something like this 2345GH45TDRF35THY234 it is 20 char

Reminder: magic-jack costs $20 a year

It uses an app called CSipSimple. To learn more about this check out the discussion thread.