Tweetdeck More Like TweetFace Goes Live!

So I have been using Tweetdeck since the beta for weeks now and love it, can I express that enough its like the all in wonder goodness that every Twitter and Facebooker should use.  Plus you can also integrate Foursquare and Google Buzz.  Now Tweedeck goes live for everyone to experience and enjoy so please download it and love it, I promise you wont be using Hootsuite, Tweetcast or anything else.

Tweetdeck integrates it all in one simple app, you get your Twitter Updates with live preview, also Facebook updates and makes it easy to respond and also has favorites for all your needs as well. The downside is you can not upload video (yet), but other than that play to win and have fun.

I do hope in updated versions the widgets do get a little better and we can have something more like the Samsung Widget or Friend Stream.

I give Tweetdeck 2 Major Fist Pumps Up…Enjoy! I can go on and on, but download it for yourself and you will be very happy!