Froyo on the Rise and Hungry for More!

Current Chart

Android 1.537.9%
Android 1.6415.0%
Android 2.1740.8%
Android 2.2836.2%

4 Months Ago

Take a look at the two pie graphs above. Notice anything? Yes, pie is delicious, but more importantly, Froyo is expanding at an incredible rate.  These updated Android platform version numbers are just a sign of the times, with older tasty desserts like Eclair finding themselves heading to the trashcan in favor of something fresh.

In the past four months Android 2.2 Froyo has grown from a small sliver of pie into a 36.2% beast.  You can clearly see that the older versions are losing ground quickly. Maybe the only thing keeping Eclair on the chart are steady sales of the Galaxy S phones which comes with Android 2.1 installed. The doomsday clock is still ticking though, especially with Samsung planning for all Galaxy S devices to be running 2.2 by January. I’m sure many of you will welcome Froyo with open arms but of course it will be hard to say goodbye to your current dessert. Now going forward, the big question is how will Gingerbread shake the chart up.