Samsung Galaxy Tab gets Hacked; voice calls for AT&T, Rogers, & Bell

Fresh on the market, and into the hands of the Android community, it was only matter of time before the Samsung Galaxy Tab hit the hands of the curious hacker. Last week it was reported that voice calling was made functional on a T-Mobile Samsung Galaxy Tab by xda developers. Now it seems that xda has a similiar way of hacking the Galaxy Tab on a few more carriers. If you’re feeling lucky and want to make some calls from that oversized superphone, below you’ll find instructions on how to pull this off yourself.

With hacking comes risk, so proceed if you wish, and remember we only report the news andandroidheadlines.com cannot be held liable for damage to your device if any should occur.

  1. Download the firmware P1000XWJJ4 from HERE(pass: samfirmware.com)
  2. Download the firmware P1000XXJK5 from HERE (pass: samfirmware.com)
  3. Download Odin 1.3 from HERE
  4. Download the modem_bell_i9000.zip file here (TalkAndroid is hosting this file for the time being) and extract it.
  5. -A) put you tab into download mode and flash P1000XWJJ4 with P1_add_hidden.pit and repartition selected. The phone will reboot and will be in Russian.
    -B) Put the phone into download mode again. flash P1000XXJK5 with NO repartition and NO PIT file. the phone will reboot with the latest euro firmware in english.
    -C) finish the setup wizard, if you do not get DATA at this point (3G or EDGE) at this point go into APN settings and change the APN from “Broadband” to “wap.cingular”
    -D) Put the Tab into download mode and flash the attached modem.bin file (the one you extracted) by selecting the bin file under “phone” in Odin. NO repartition and NO PIT file.
    -E) At this point your phone will reboot and you should have 850/1900Mhz enabled and everything you should work just like the euro version of the Tab.