T-Mobile UK To Be First To Push Froyo To Galaxy S In OTA Today

In an attempt to be the first carrier to offer FOTA(firmware over-the-air) updates to the Galaxy S series, T-Mobile UK has said they will try it today.  This is great news for our friends “across the pond” as the Galaxy S series has been waiting for Android 2.2(Froyo) for quite some time.  T-Mobile says if for some reason they can’t get the FOTA to run smoothly today, the update will be available over Samsung Kies tomorrow(Dec. first)  Check out Barry from T-Mobile’s post on their forums.

If you don’t already know, here are a few of the features that make Android 2.2(Froyo) great:

  • Flash- thats right, full flash website support
  • Apps to SD card – store apps on your SD card and free up some internal storage
  • Tethering and mobile hotspot support – no word if T-Mobile will allow it
  • Updates to the Market
  • Lots of speed improvements

If you are in the UK and happen to receive a OTA update today, please let us know how it went.  If not, be sure to check Samsung Kies tomorrow.  Now if T-Mobile can hook us up over here in the US, PLEASE.