Gingerbread Coming to the Nexus One in the Next Few Weeks!!

Nexus One

The Google Nexus one has enjoyed almost a full year as being the premier device when it came to Android updates.  It was always the first updated while others were left up to the whim of their carrier and manufactures as to when the update would eventually reach their device.

Nexus S

Well today is the day that changes sort of with the release Android 2.3 and the announcement of the Google branded Nexus S. While this release will first be present on the Nexus S, Nexus One owners will be following very closely behind and shouldn’t start telling tales of abandonment just yet. As with other releases the SDK is out to the developers and being worked on to go along with their device updates.  We all have a little while to wait and the Nexus One users still have a much shorter time then those with Moto Blur or the Sense UI that still need to be coded for.  Cheers to Gingerbread!!!

While you wait for Gingerbread to land on your handset, you can check out Google’s user guide to Android 2.3 which details all the salient information about this latest revision.