Devoted To Your Smartphone? Study Says…Android Yes, iPhone Not So Much

It may come as a shock (not for me), that a recent study divulges Android smartphone users are much more dedicated than iPhone users. Android users were much more apt to upgrade to another Android device, than that of iPhone users wanting to upgrade to another iPhone.

One of the big reasons I see for this is that Android has an endless array of available types and sizes of phones to choose from, and every carrier offers them. Choice, choice, choice, we all love to have choices, after all, we are not all the same, and won’t all be interested in the same style phone.

One interesting thing we’ll be keeping our eyes on is, what will happen once Verizon starts offering the iPhone? Will this draw Verizon customers currently using Android phones to purchase an iPhone? I really feel it’s unlikely since Google is moving ahead so quickly with upgrades to better the Android environment for users, but we’ll all have to wait and see. Who knows, maybe some folks really do want Verizon call quality on an iPhone. I’ve been told Apple prides themselves in writing ‘Smartphone for Dummies’ to ensure iPhone users can easily grab their smartphone, and figure out how to use it. Android on the other hand, is said to have a bit of a learning curve. I didn’t find that to be the case, but I love learning new technology, and feel the younger generation today should be able to catch on even quicker. One can undertake a lot more techie playtime with Android, as it’s much more flexible than iOS, which is running the iPhone.

February 10, 2011 is the day Verizon will start selling the iPhone 4. This will certainly be another milestone to see if Android loyalty continues to remain strong.

Via: intomobile