Now Departing at Gate A; Flightboard Comes to Android

Mobiata already has several popular apps in the Android Market. They have FlightTrack, HotelPal and more. Today they have brought the popular iOS app Flightboard over to the Android Market. Flightboard is an advanced reproduction of the boards you see at airports with the flight number, destination, gate and departure time. The Android version differs from the iOS one as well! The features are:

  • Get real-time status for any flight in the world with automatic updates every 5 minutes.
  • Access over 4000 airports and 1400 airlines worldwide.
  • View FlightBoard on home screen with Live Wallpaper.
  • Seamlessly switch between Departures and Arrivals view.
  • Easily share flight info with friends and family via Twitter, Facebook, SMS and E-mail.
  • Instantly narrow results via an exceptional search interface.
  • Save flights in FlightTrack and FlightTrack Pro for real-time tracking.

You can get Flightboard in the market now. Check the gallery for additional screenshots of the interface, and enjoy your flight!