Verizon Roadmap Launch for next few months Leaked

This should bring some hope and happy thoughts to Verizon customers who are opting to hang out with Android a little bit longer and not fall prey to the iPhone.

Freshly leaked from inside the halls of Verizon we’re getting some roadmap info, with rough release schedules for major Android devices coming soon.  While the exact dates aren’t known, we at least have an idea for which quarter to expect each device to drop, for now anyway. These are word-of-mouth leaks, nothing on paper that has been seen or known to be valid, so we’ll just roll with it, and if dates change, or if device launch dates are made official, we’ll be sure to let you know.

Q1 Expected Releases

  • The HTC Thunderbolt(the first 4G LTE) that we’ve all heard so much about is on schedule to release sometime towards the middle of THIS month.
  • Unannounced HTC Droid Incredible 2 is rumored to see a launch, possibly in March, if it really exists
  • The no-name Samsung 4G LTE device is expected to surface by the end of March

Q2 Expected Releases

  • Both the Motorola Droid Bionic and the LG Revolution are planned for a late Q2 releases

Source: PhoneArena