Want an HTC Thunderbolt Rumor?
If you have been waiting for the HTC Thunderbolt to arrive this week we’ve got some bad news. It seems that the iPad2 has taken favor over the HTC Thunderbolt at Verizon. The Thunderbolt was reckoned to be out this week, Thursday the 10th of March but now it may just be the 17th.
How about: HTC Thunderbolt Delayed AGAIN because of iPad 2 Launch?
As we know the iPad2 is to be released on the 11th and so all the networks are getting very excited about it. Of course it changes everything again doesn’t it? That image from DroidLife above is of Verizon’s product launch schedule, and it shows Apple iPad 2 ahead of the T-Bolt.
What do you think? Is the HTC Thunderbolt ever going to be released?
Source: DroidLife