Motorola Plans Atrix-Like Future; Expanding Webtop Lineup, More Tablets Too!

Webtops and Tablets are Motorola Plans

I hope everyone likes the Atrix 4G, because according to recent statements from Motorola CEO Sanjay Jha, it will be influencing the designs of several future Moto smartphone releases. The laptop docking capabilities of the Atrix 4G seem to be the tip of the iceberg, with several new devices planned for release by the end of 2011.

Motorola Plans More Webtops for More Smartphones

At Morgan Stanley’s Media and Telecom Conference CEO Jha said ï»¿“From June onwards, most of our high-tier performance phones will have the Webtop capability”. He also says that Motorola plans on upgrading the “Webtop” browser to Firefox 4.0 by the end of the year, and notes that the Motorola Droid Bionic didn’t incorporate the Atrix 4G’s Webtop capabilities simply because of timing, and will be a major platform for the future.

Tablets?  They’re in the Plans, Too

But what about tablets? Of course the Motorola Xoom has been a hot topic the last few weeks, but Moto has grand plans to release several more tabs by the end of the year. Jha has said that the company is working on a “tiered” tablet strategy.

Jha says that a 7-inch model tablet  is definately in the works, but that’s only the beginning saying “There will be seven-inch, some version of eight-inch, some version of 10, 11 and 12 inch tablets,” and Motorola “will have other tablets out by the end of the year.”

Future Android OS Upgrades: Motorola Plans for Those As Well

To ease the minds of the OS-hungry crowds, Jha also announced that Motorola will continue to become upgrade-friendly, saying that Moto made the mistake of choosing a processor earlier on that didn’t work well with new Android versions. He says Motorola smartphones will get prompt updates from now on.

Are you ready for an army of Atrix-like smartphones? It is a unique feature, but will it be necessary? Let us know what you think about these Motorola plans, and the future of “webtopping”.

Source: PC Mag