Not Forgotten! Original Droid Get's OTA Update Starting Today!

Whats this? An update for the Original Droid?? Don’t get too excited, it unfortunately still keeps you on 2.2.  The update takes care of the SMS bug and other little fixes. The build number is FRG83G and the update is only 3.4MB. While its something that fixes a bug that has been bothersome for a good amount of Droid users, obviously an update to Gingerbread would have been much better! I personally have a Motorola Droid, but I finally took the plunge and rooted once Peter Alfonso started putting out his lovely GPA roms, which are as stock Gingerbread as we are probably going to get for this phone. Check out the official announcement about the update from Verizon below.

* From the movie “Idiocracy” if you didn’t already know.