Steam coming to Android? That would certainly bring the games! Steam is an online distribution “store” where you can download games on your PC or Mac. They have such notable games as Half-Life and Portal. They are a staple in computer based gaming, and would make perfect sense on Android. While it’s completely set in stone that they will be developing games for Android, Engadget has pointed out that Gabe Newell has stated “looking into the iOS / Android platform for possible expansions with Steam” which to me is a good sign, being that he said this publicly. It makes sense that a digital distributor such as Steam would want a home in your pocket (and tablet) since you basically bring those with you everywhere. Amazon has already started with their own store on Android, so maybe they are going to wait and see how beneficial that is. It would be harder to get a whole store on iOS, so they might have to release games individually to Apple for approval. Would you also like to play games like Portal on your phone or tablet? Let us know in the comments!
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