Swiftkey goes tablet, my thumbs thank you!

I’m honestly surprised this type of keyboard isn’t standard in Honeycomb, but third-parties to the rescue! Swiftkey is currently beta testing their “guessing-game” keyboard on tablets, and they decided to go with the very tron-ish look that Honeycomb stock also has. It looks odd at a glance, but when you consider each hand has half the keyboard with standard typing, you realize its just assigning half of the keyboard to each thumb. Not only does it feel natural after a few sentences, but I’m starting to use their infamous word prediction as well. If you aren’t aware, Swiftkey not only guesses what word you are typing to save keystrokes, but attempts to guess your next word as well. It’s obviously not 100% accurate (that would be scary!) but it helps. The beta is available here for VIP members to their forums, so do the right thing and register so you can provide feedback. It wasn’t that long ago that developers didn’t work with people as much to improve their products, and the last thing we’d want to do is go backwards with that. Are you a tablet owner (I just got my XOOM on Monday!) who would like this kind of layout? Let us know below after you check out a preview video of the keyboard in action!