Toshiba Says Its Android Tablet Is Superior To Apple's iPad 2

Is The Toshiba Tablet Ready To Take The iPad 2 Head On?

The soon to be released Toshiba Tablet comes in at the same 10.1″ as the iPad 2, but the company says their offering packs a far greater punch then the competition. The General Manager of Toshiba Australia’s Information Systems Division, declared: “We believe that our device is superior to the Apple device, it may be a little heavier (773g), but it does have a lot of features that the iPad 2 does not have.”

Toshiba Tablet Taking A Different Path Then Samsung Tab 10.1

Samsung recently came out and stated they needed to rethink parts of their new Honeycomb tab in the wake of the iPad 2 announcement, which is a stark opposite to Toshiba’s confidence in their offering. The two Tablets sport a very similar feature set and it appears to be an issue of pricing at this point.

Toshiba Tablet To Be Priced Similar To The iPad 2

Toshiba stated that their offering would be priced similar to the iPad 2 which means the 32Gb version should come in at around $600. If they are able to get the Toshiba Tablet to market with that aggressive pricing scheme then they do stand a very good chance in their increasingly crowded tablet market. Do you guys think the Toshiba Tablet can hold its own?

Via UnWiredReview