Bad news for Motorola?
Trip Chowdry of market analyst Global Equities has bad news about the Motorola Xoom. It seems that Moto has sold very few of the 500-800,000 units that they manufactured. So little in fact that he estimates only 5 to 15 percent of them have made it into the hands of consumers. Lets break out the calculators, carry those ones, subtract a few here and what is that like 120,000 units? That’s pretty bad considering 300,000 were reported sold in early figures for the quarter. Keep in mind no official sales figures have been released but we don’t need a mathematician on staff to know that something isn’t quite right.
Wait it gets worse
Chowdry certainly isn’t betting on Xoom as his worse case scenario has the tablet reaching only 25,000 customers. It should go without saying that Apple is not quaking in their boots over in Cupertino with these kind of early reports coming out about the their biggest competitor in the tablet space. Early adopters of the Xoom are crying foul including a few people in my email inbox so we wont be so sure what exactly is going on until some concrete earnings numbers are released by Motorola. I think it’s safe to say the numbers will be on the disappointing side. As always we’ll let you know right here as soon as those figures become available.