Motorola Reveals More Laptop Dock Enabled Devices On The Way

More Laptop Docks On The Way

The Motorola Atrix 4G introduced an entirely new form factor with the release of its laptop dock functionality. The first iteration came with a nice list of features including a full desktop browser which oddly was Mozilla Firefox instead of Google Chrome and the ability to use all of your mobile apps on the Webtop interface. At the Motorola earnings call this past week CEO Sanjay Jha stated that a number of laptop dock enabled devices will be released in the second half of this year.

You will see multiple devices from us in the second half launching with these capabilities, and we will expand the range of our Lapdock devices so we cover a broader price point, addressing both the enterprise premium tier as well as more consumer tiers.

This news also comes with a price drop on the laptop dock already available on the Atrix 4G, AT&T will now sell the bundle for $400. Hopefully as this form factor continues to develop it will gain full functionality and replace the need for a laptop all together. Check back for more news as it becomes available.

Motorola Dock Promo
