Featured: Nexus Poem Gives Us More Details about the Launch

The launch of the long-awaited Nexus Prime is getting closer and closer, and we keep hearing more details about it, if only to torment us some more before it arrives. First, we’re hearing that the Galaxy Nexus will arrive first on November 3rd, before Droid Prime. I don’t know about you but all these mixed names are starting to get confusing.

But it looks more and more that the “Nexus Prime” we’ve kept hearing about, that is Google’s phone, will actually be this Galaxy Nexus phone from Samsung, and it will arrive on Verizon, running Android Ice-Cream Sandwich. In the meantime, the “Droid Prime” will be the next-gen Droid Charge or something.

Now, I wonder if Verizon and Samsung are doing this on purpose to mess with us. If the original name was supposed to be Nexus Prime for Google’s phone, they might’ve thought: “Hey, this Nexus Prime name is getting so popular – so why not kill 2 birds with one stone, and split up the names for 2 of our phones. Then instead of having just one phone that is popular, we’ll have two!”.

It may sound smart to them, but I think a lot of Android fans would’ve preferred the next Nexus phone to be named Nexus Prime, rather than what feels like an almost generic, “one more Galaxy phone” – Galaxy Nexus.

Anyways, it looks like the Galaxy Nexus will first appear in Verizon stores on November 3rd (which should be like 2 weeks after iPhone 5’s launch), but it will also be available on other networks (at least on Sprint and either AT&T/T-mobile or both). Two guys on Twitter ( @black_man_X and his friend Tom using @tflemming223 ) gave all this info within a poem:

While things that go bump in the night, surely give you a fright,
It’s all in good fun as I share treats and panda fun.

So Instead of filling your belly with candies, jellies and other hollows eve fare,
Perhaps your palate will cast a ballot, for an ice cream sandwich instead.

With an internal date now set and LTE a sure bet,
Those that get Tim Cook’s new pet will be filled with green eyed regret.

But wait you cry for what date can you buy?
This the panda did shall share…

Fore on the date Bruce Wayne’s true father did die;
you shall in fact be able to buy in stores of red and black.

But those who pay other masters don’t fret,
over exclusive deals and bets

For in many other favors you will get your treat
be they GSM or wimax radios inside, the nexus brand will ride world wide.