Featured: No Google Nexus S Ice Cream Sandwich / ICS Android 4.0 OTA Update?


The Android community is getting anxious in regards to the Ice Cream Sandwich / ICS Android 4.0 OTA Update for the Samsung Galaxy Nexus S and starting a petition.The update was pushed out to some in December but was quickly pulled due to a battery issue.Since then their have been no updates as to when we will see ICS Android 4.0 for Nexus S OTA pushed out.

I am having a hard time believing that the update was ready to go in December but a bug has kept the update from being released for 3 months so far.While new phones are being released with ICS and older phones are starting to be updated with the Android 4.0. When ICS was announced in October of 2011 Engadget was told by Google’s Gabe Cohen that ” the Nexus S will definitely be getting ICS” and “Currently in the process for releasing Ice Cream Sandwich for Nexus S. Theoretically should work for any 2.3 device.” The Google Nexus One was not able to get this update as the hardware was pretty outdated but the Samsung Nexus S is far from being outdated. The Google Nexus S was branded a Google Experience phone that would receive the latest software updates. The lack of this ICS update in a timely fashion may have consumers thinking twice the next time a new Google Branded phone hit’s the market.Maybe buying a Nexus does not mean you will get your Android OS software update any faster or at all?

The Android Eco-system is still a mess with fragmentation, which had become a hot topic last year but the Google brass tried to sweep it under the rug and hide it like the red-headed step child.The fact of the matter is that even Google can’t fix fragmentation without a drastic change to the platform as they have no control over OEM’s and Carriers that are watering down the Android Brand.No set guidelines or rules to follow in terms of updates and support for devices is sure to leave a sour taste in consumers mouths and am sure in the future when the activation numbers start to slow down only then will things change.Until then Google allows OEM’s and Carriers to decide on how the phones should be updated but you would think Google would be a better example with their Google Experience Phone and put out an update in a timely manner rather than be part of the problem they are supposedly trying to fix.

So unless you root your phone, which only a small amount of users and hardcore Android fanboys do.It is time to email or hit the social media airwaves and ask Google, Samsung, and your carrier where your update for your Nexus S is? or will we ever see an Ice Sandwich Android 4.0 OTA Update?