Featured: HTC DROID Incredible 4G Spotted. Looks Like a Dud

The Droid Incredible 4G has been spotted on Verizon’s Droid Does web portal, and it looks like Verizon has completely taken over the marketing for these Droid phones, because even though this is a HTC phone, it makes it look like one of Motorola’s Droid phones. Also I don’t know if it’s HTC’s fault or Verizon’s fault or both, but they’ve had the Droid Incredible, then Droid Incredible 2, which barely brought any improvements besides the camera, and now we have Droid Incredible 4G (surprised it doesn’t have LTE at the end as well).

This new device brings Android 4 with Sense 4, a dual core 1.2 Ghz S4 processor (downgrade from the HTC One S and One X), an 8 MP camera, 8 GB of internal storage (only) plus a microSD card. It also comes only with an 1700 mAh battery, which is surprisingly small for a LTE device, that is also very thick for a phone these days, at 11.6 mm.

It looks like HTC or Verizon wanted to save on manufacturing costs, by not making the phones very slim, using a small battery inside (a HTC hallmark by now), lower internal storage and also a lower-clocked S4 processor.That might make some sense if the phone would’ve been offered for a reasonable price, but at $300 it makes no sense at all.  The Galaxy Nexus is already $200, and you get bigger storage, higher resolution, and stock ICS for $100 less.