Keep your fingers crossed Verizon Galaxy Nexus owners, with some luck you’ll be getting your 4.0.4 over-the-air update sooner than later. Moments ago the official OTA update appeared on Google’s servers. This is nothing new, the same OTA update file appeared on Google’s servers a few weeks ago and was promptly removed after numerous people around the country started to receive their much awaited update.
We’re not sure if the update is a full on go this time around either, but it’s a good sign that the official update to Android 4.0.4 showed up on Google’s servers once again.
Don’t want to wait for the official OTA update to be released? Download the official update from Google. Remember, this is not a full ROM. This is only a 40MB patch, the same one that was leaked a few weeks ago. It contains the same bootloader and the same radios as the previous IMM76K leak. If you’re stock 4.0.2 and want to give it a try, have at it.