Featured: Google Glass Available To Consumers In Early 2014

Sergey Brin, the Co-Founder of Google, got on stage at Google I/O yesterday to announce more details about Google Glass and let developers know that they could pre-order what’s being called Google Glass Explorer Edition for $1,500 and is shipping early next year. One question that’s been on the mind of many people whether it be everyday consumers or high profile people in the tech industry, is if the project was actually really and actually worked.

Google pretty much put these concerns to rest through the use of various videos and demos, and employees even answered some questions that there weren’t definitive answers to. Sergey told Bloomberg TV today that he hopes to have Google Glass out to consumers by early 2014 which goes with my prediction in a previous post. Two years may seem like a lot, but for a technology that’s still in the very early stages, we’re sure to see some cool stuff, especially since developers will get their hands on them next year.

For this next generation product to do well, Google recognizes that they need to get it out there to people who can actually come up with different ideas and use cases. With that said, pricing for the consumer edition isn’t known just yet. The good news is that if you are looking to get your hands on Google Glass, you won’t need to shell out $1,500 as the version for consumers is said to be cheaper. We’ll see.

Check out the demo below that several people pulled off where they streamed live to a Google+ hangout while jumping out of an airplane.
