Featured: Google Play Web Interface Gets An Upgrade, Now Update Or Uninstall Apps From Desktop

Back in March, Google relaunched and renamed the Android Market to the Play Store or Google Play, citing what they saw needed an upgrade and to fit in with more of their philosophy with how people utilize various apps in the Android universe. Sure, you can’t “play” a book or “play” with calculating your expenses (Maybe, but it’s not always fun), though you basically get the idea.

Interestingly, one new feature that the Android team left out of their presentation about the updates to Google Play, from TV shows, to more movies, to being able to subscribe to your favorites magazines, was that now on the web where before you could only install apps directly on your phone, now you can also update and uninstall them from the web. As long as your phone is connected to the Internet in some way, you can do all that work of updating and cleaning things up while you’re on your computer.

While this may not seem like a huge deal, it does seem like it could be a time saver. You’re already using your computer and if you happen to want to uninstall an app or two or eight, you can do that with a few clicks instead of having to navigate to settings, applications, scroll after scroll, select the app, and hit uninstall. Most people set apps to automatically update, though sometimes you have to do that manually.

This update to the web interface isn’t huge, but it definitely could be useful.