Samsung is no stranger to the stylus, something that was included with their smartphone/tablet hybrid Galaxy Note which, while got some mixed press including 1995 jokes, went on to sell Millions. It seems the company is working on a new kind of stylus which goes far beyond the traditional. A capacitive stylus and what is said to be the next generation S-Pen, it will also have NFC and work as a wireless headset.
The wireless headset is featured in the clip of stylus and is similar to what we’ve seen recently from the ASUS PadFone which has very similar functionality. With the introduction of Google Wallet and competing services, NFC is gaining more and more traction. Only a small segment of the population is actually taking advantage of it, though Samsung realizes the potential.
Unlike some patents, this one isn’t too far out. The technology is there and creating the product is doable. Also, towards the tip, there will be a conductive ePen grip rubbery material which sends a tiny current from your body to the display, essentially fooling the display into thinking that it’s being touched by your finger. This helps reduce lag which is often experienced with using a stylus. It’s been rumored that the next generation Galaxy Note will be out in October so maybe we’ll see this in use this year.