Google Fiber was first announced back in 2010 and was an ambitious goal to bring blazing fast Internet speeds at an affordable price to everyday normal people. The goal? Bring Internet speeds 100 times faster than what Americans currently have access to thanks to a 1Gbps fiber-to-home network. They had thousands of interested communities try and apply to be the first to gain access, however, only one would be chosen.
The city that was chosen was Kansas City, Missouri and the network went live last year. This was the testing grounds and testing phase and it appears that Google is actually in the process of expanding Google Fiber to other cities. The tech giant is currently hiring for positions relating to the program. Rory Maher, an analyst with Capstone Investments, looked at over 2,000 different job listings from Google, Facebook, and Twitter, to see if there were any trends.
When it came to Google, it looks possible that they are looking to expand Fiber to other cities. One position they were hiring for was an Inside Sales position in Mountain View, California for selling Google Fiber to small businesses. In precise words, “the position would be tasked to build a team to sell a national broadband network.”
Google has always wanted to make the Internet faster for everyone, not only by speeding up search, but also giving more weight to websites that load fast and downranking sites that load slow. The idea of a 1Gbps Internet connection is an exciting one. Currently, the fastest service on the market for everyday consumers is Verizon FiOS which has plans all the way up to 300Mbps.
Fingers crossed, we all hope that this service comes to more cities and at an affordable price!