Featured: Samsung Galaxy S2 and Galaxy S3 Jellybean Testing has Begun!

I know many awaiting Samsung’s Jellybean update for the GS3 and GS2 are itching for it. Well the word is that Galaxy S3’s Jellybean update is around the corner and testing for the Galaxy S2 is in the works. According to Google, the treasured Nexus devices (Google Nexus, Nexus 7) are first in line to receive updates, along with the Motorola Xoom tablet although many have ported Android 4.1 to their devices, Nexus or not. CM10 (Cyanogenmod 10: Jellybean) has preview builds are popping up all over with the GS3 supported as well.


We have no dates for the update yet but don’t get your hopes down because Sam Mobile has already been heard saying “Samsung is almost ready to update”, which is leading up to an August or September release. It seems that Samsung is keeping short on its Android 4.1 updates but with each day passing we’re getting closer. The Galaxy S2 seems to be placed on the backburner but with the fluency of porting Android 4.1 to the Galaxy S2, there should be no problem with the slick and highly anticipated Jellybean support. So instead of biting your nails, stay locked in to Android Headlines and we’ll keep you posted as soon as any new info is out!