So, instead of beating around the bush about this, I’m just going to jump right in. That was also in no way intended to be a pun on the developer studio that made this Total Recall game for android. Ok, the cat’s outta the bag. Yes, Total Recall is not only being rebooted for the big screen, but has also made its debut on Android. As if you couldn’t tell by this articles title. First off, I feel like it’s my duty to state that while I have never played anything that was put out by Jump Games, nor do I even know if this is their very first game to jump into the play store, (ZING! I knew you were all waiting when I would make a stupid joke. Well, there you go. Now back to business.) But let’s just say that I paid the dollar and downloaded the game to check it out, played it for a few, than refunded the install in time for corn flakes.
Now to the game. I still recommend any Total Recall fans out there give it a try and who knows you might like it. The game starts off with a cut scene of comic story boards. Then you are plunged right into choosing your weapon. The graphics are so-so and the game play is reminiscent of the large Time Crisis arcades that were everywhere 15 years ago. You guys remember Time Crisis for the original Playstation years ago? I do. I had the gun and everything. That’s how this game plays except you just don’t have the pedal to use for a crouch function. From what I have read and heard around the web of the rest of the game, you are pretty much forced to make in game purchases to progress after a certain point. If the model setup were like Dead Trigger where you only needed to purchase new weapons and items if you wanted a hell of a fun experience, then I could maybe get behind this game full swing for some easy down time here and there when I have a minute or two to knock out a level. My breakdown opinion of this game is that I would never buy it or play it again. I might give Jump Games another shot in the future, but sadly I actually have more hope for the movie being a hit than this game seems to be. Will you be going to see the film when it releases? Are you going to pick up this game and play it to your hearts content? Ill leave you with something that’ll get you in the mood. “See you at the party Richter!!”