Featured: Apple Won, This Isn't Over

So the dust has settled, things have happened and Samsung owes Apple a little over a billion dollars in damages. Tom Dawson has good write up HERE if you want to read specifics, but I am here to talk aftermath. Apple won, the jury decided that Samsung infringed a bit too much and that they blatantly copied Apple.

Since the announcement of Apple winning there have been numerous stories and oddities I have heard, there have been many articles written from the Apple camp declaring their big win and that maybe Android can finally die, there have also been a few articles about Apple being a bully and that they should just calm down. I have even seen a few Google+ posts stating that Samsung can overcome this as they now look like an underdog and those who truly don’t know just think they are getting a cheaper iPhone that is manufactured by Samsung. POST FOUND HERE, this is really a good read!

I am in the camp that says Samsung will be fine. I know a lot of guys that are getting Samsung phones and they are not saying they got it because it was a cheaper iPhone or because they wanted an alternative to the iPhone, they get it because it is a Galaxy! Samsung has made quite the brand for themselves and they are doing a good job maintaining that brand, if anything they have to pay Apple a billion dollars for advertising because that is what is happening. Right now people are talking, news sites, news papers, news channels, they are all talking Samsung vs Apple and a lot of them are saying they are the same thing because that is what the court decided, they are very similar, similar enough to be considered copying in many respects, whether it be software or hardware. People now think they can go out and get a Galaxy phone that is just a cheaper iPhone, and I am sure Samsung has a small smile on their face because of it.

So where do we go now?

Like I mentioned before, we have til December 6th before anything major happens. We will surely report what happens on that date an will continue to report after that date. Until that time, don’t believe the rumors, especially not the one about Apple receiving over 30 truck loads of nickels this morning, that is just not true. (funny but not true)