Featured: Facebook Employees Forced to Go Android due to Poor App Development

Believe it or not, many employees who work for Facebook have actual iPhones! Who would have known! The iPhone Facebook for Android app actually just received an update to the app and the employees have been getting all kinds of pressure to switch from their iPhones to Android phones to help improve the poor application quality. Now who is laughing right now? I know that I am chuckling a bit, but it’s actually true! Facebook’s reasoning behind the plan is actually a very valid one too.

Facebook has finally realized that their app on Android isn’t doing so hot, and when I say that, I mean development wise. Unfortunately, they feel their employees aren’t taking the matter of poor quality to heart, and feel it’s necessary to have them dealing with the application on an every day basis in hopes to strike some motivation to resolve the issues in the app. Sounds like a legitimate reason to me.

Facebook is referring to such a plan as “dogfooding.” Oh wow, the things people and companies can come up with. It however is a common practice among tech companies when you start to do some research on it.

When you look up the term it define it as a “slang term used to reference a scenario in which a company (usually, a software company) uses its own product to demonstrate the quality and capabilities of the product.”

Ah, isn’t that what business’ are usually suppose to do? So does this mean that the employees have no confidence in the application or “product” of their company? Yet, they use app on an iPhone, but not an Android device. Hmm, I wonder if that is because they know the application is flawed and just don’t seem to care? It would be mighty interesting to get into the mind of these employees to find out the real reason, would it not? “Ex facebookers” are claiming, “Facebook employees are being twisted into using Android phones. And it’s not because they want to piss off Apple or because they want to get tight with Google, instead has its roots in motivational technique.”

Seems like an interesting plan and technique. Do you think it work for them? I know there are many mixed reviews on the application. What are your thoughts?


Sources: Business Insider / WebProNews