Featured: How Many People actually Bought a Nexus Q? Not a Whole Lot it'd Seem

The Nexus Q has remained somewhat an oddity ever since it was announced on stage earlier on in the year at Google’s I/O conference. There are a number of oddities surrounding the Q like it’s questionable price tag – especially when compared to Nexus 7’s $199 tag – as well as the fact that even the Q didn’t seem to know quite who it was. You can imagine the Q asking itself some strange questions; am I media streamer? Am I A Hi-Fi amp? Do I help people in the same room fight over music? Am I redundant? Sadly, that last question is something that is perhaps more relevant than the others, if we’re all in the same room together, chances are there’s already a media set up and chances are we have access to all the music we want sans the Q.

When the Nexus Q went for pre-order late last month it soon sold out and this led to a number of questions. Who bought them all? How many were sold? How many did Google have in stock? Who’s going to buy it at that price? When something sells out it’s normally due to high popularity or a spectacular price point but, many don’t believe the Q was popular nor well priced and I’m inclined to believe them. For 300 bucks I could do a lot more to get a streamer set up my living room.

Talk Android are hearing differing numbers on how many Nexus Qs were bought when it went up for sale and the one thing all the figures have in common is that they’re small. It’s been said that less than 1000 to less than 900 or so were sold. Shortly after they went up for sale though, Google delayed the launch of the device indefinitely and sent e-mails to those that had pre-ordered the device telling them they would get it for free. Now, it’s come to light that this may be because hardly anybody bought one and Google are perhaps having trouble perfecting the production of the Q. Whether or not there are having problems producing it is as yet unknown but, the idea of giving away free device is definitely a fine move for Google as they begin their march into the living room of enthusiasts everywhere.

[Source: Talk Android]