Featured: Rumor: T-Mobile bringing back Truly Unlimited Data Plans

So how would you like to be able to get a truly unlimited data plan again? Not one of those where you’re throttled after a certain amount of data, but truly unlimited? Well there are some fresh rumors out speculating that T-Mobile might be bringing a truly unlimited data plan back. As you can see in the image below, T-Mobile is sending out a survey to a select few customers about a truly unlimited plan. So it looks like if this happens, we are getting closer to it becoming a reality, since it is apparently out of the board room and into the customers’ hands in the form of a survey.

You may remember that T-Mobile in the UK launched a full monty plan back in February which gives you essentially unlimited everything, although we did just find out that tethering is not included in that plan unfortunately. Now it looks like T-Mobile is looking to bring something similar to the US. As the nation’s fourth largest carrier, T-Mobile needs to do something to gain some ground and keep the cash flowing and possible unseat Sprint as the third largest US carrier.

We have no idea on what pricing would be for this truly unlimited plan, but if they want people to buy it I would guess it’ll be between the price of the 2GB and the 5GB data plans. If these plans are priced right, would it be enough for you to switch to T-Mobile? Remember T-Mobile does not yet have LTE, but they are supposedly working on an LTE network for 2013. Has any of our readers that are T-Mobile customers received that survey?

[Source: TmoNews]